Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Second week of swim class.

This week started off well so far.  Its only Tuesday so hey, we have lots of week left.  But lets focus on the positives.  Monday is Swim class as well as being a run day.  I had originally planned for Monday to be my long run day, but after my first swim class I quickly nixed that.  I figured that I could for sure put in a long run, relax a bit, eat dinner then go swim.  Well she told us that we are going to do lots of kicking.  And there is no way that I can do long runs then be able to kick hard for an hour.  Short runs are fine after my swim for now.  They are not going to be more than 10k.  The long ones are going to be in the 20k ish range.  So if I get home at 10:00, an hour would be alright, but 2  is pushing it.   Long run day looks like it will have to be moved to Fridays.  So back to where I was!  Swim went very well.  Warm-up 32 lengths.  100 freestyle, 100 kick, 100 pull, 100 choice and repeat.  Then we did. A set of 800 with pull buoys and hand paddles.  Holy crap hand paddles are crazy!  If you mess-up your stroke, they let you know.  If you don't pull correctly, they let you know.  I was just expecting more resistance.  Man was I wrong!  A very interesting experience to say the least.  Next was another set of 800 but with a build every 100.  I have never tried that and it was hard, but I did a decent job.  Then the practice was over.  Some things to take from that was that I need to move my head faster when I breathe.  I also don't go deep enough on my catch.  Also, my hands are entering the water flat instead of digging in and stretching out under the water.  I decided to use electrolytes this time instead of just water.  I think it was a good decision, and things are only going to get more hardcore as time goes on.  Rode my bike home and ran my 6k course.  Stopped to walk for a bit to see if I can program my Garmin to vibrate when my HR goes over 165.  Couldn't figure it out so I continued on my way.  Went home stretched down and did my physio, then it was bed time.  

When I woke-up and my neck was hurting(all that fast head turning I suspect.  Went to work then went rock climbing, yay!  Then I did a little 30 minute spin testing out my speed/cadence sensor by Garmin.  everything worked well, but I think I need to re-calibrate my wheel size.  I went with what the wheel said, but I want to measure myself.  I feel like I went too fast.  I  went to Enduro Sport and grabbed Saltsticks, a saltstick dispenser and Skratch Labs Raspberry on the way home.  I have been having cramps when riding at high output for long periods.  When I say long, I don't mean LONG like I will eventually be doing, but I mean serious output for anything over an hour and I start having problems.  I did TTF a 40k TT and I had major major cramping issues.  When I did Barrie Triathlon, I mistakenly put way too much electrolyte(nuun) into my bottle.  I put enough for 50ml in it and only had like 250ml of water in it.   The concoction was pretty brutall and salty and almost more than my stomach could take, but I didn't have any problems with cramps at all.  My last race was Toronto Island Triathlon everything went well, but I started to cramp-up in the last kilometer.  I think the amount of salt I took in during Barrie played a major role in that, so I need to work on replicating that.  So now that I have my new bike which is properly fitted to me, I plan on doing several Time Trials to see what happens to my body over 40k and see what helps with cramping.

40k by itself shouldn't require any caloric intake so I'm going to not bother with added calories.

One with just water  

One with Nuun
One with eLoad
One with Skratch Labs
One with Saltsticks every half hour and water

I need to nail down how much salt I need and if none of those are sufficient, I will start using one electrolytes as well as saltsticks.

I figure a trainer on the same cog with the same amount of effort is as close as I can get to lab testing.  This is going to be a bit of a process though, so it will not be over any time soon.  I figure one test per week.

More later, not I am going to go do my physio for my shoulder, oh yeah, my shoulder HURTS!  Nothing too bad, but I can tell its there!

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