So it's been roughly 3 weeks since my last update.
The first of the 3 weeks went pretty well, I actually wrote a post, but never uploaded it. Now that I finally downloaded this Blogger app, uploads on the run should be easier.
The Halloween weekend started off well and quickly turned into a weekend of debauchery. I put in a good swim and did my 10k treadmill test and the new shoes felt awesome! No problems, no hot spots and I felt ontop of the world. I used to not mind the treadmill but oh man, after running outside so much, the treadmill was torture. I longed to be outside in nature, running down hills and battling up them. I really plan to do a lot of my running outside this winter and avoid the treadmill as much as possible.
After my run I donned my constume and headed to work. My costume was something very practical: a construction worker. I had a hard hat to protect me from my co-workers, earplugs for when my managers tried to talk to me and a tool belt for my work gear! Work went well then the drinking started. The drinkkng didn't stop until sunday at arounf midnight actually. My phone reminded me that I owed 4k at like 9pm...when I was about 6 pints deep. Not happening! I ate more chocolate, drank more beer and various other alcoholic substances than I care to count. I did have lots of fun and blow off a lot of much needed steam, so that's good right?
Monday was business as usual. 5k and my swim practice. We did 6 sets of 500. Swim, build 100's and paddles and pullbouys. I made it to the second set of pulling and got 100m in when Kim told us to cooldown. I did 100m easy to cooldown and headed home. 2700m was pretty rough, but I felt pretty good at the end of that! My shoulder was bugging me when I was using my paddles, so I took it easy a bit.
The next week I was feeling like garbage. I had been feeling pretty shitty for the past few weeks, but was trying to push through it. Pushing through it apparently was not working. My motivation was also lacking pretty bigtime. The winter blues which tend to beat the living crap out of me and with me feeling like crap and I just couldn't get my act together. I gave away a few shifts and took the week off exercise just figuring that if I wasn't recovering from a half day off at a time, I would need a few days. So I took them. On Wednesday I was starting to feel better. Thursday I went back to work and school and was definitely feeling worse than the day before. All that rest for no gains. Oh well. I decided to continue my week of rest into the weekend to see if it would help.
Not so much.
After my usual busy Monday I had resolved to get back on the wagon. No such luck. I was headed north on an impromptu trip. Training is not the most important thing in my life. It can wait. Back to reality next week!
I am 30 years old, last year I decided that I wanted to do a triathlon. Only one small problem....I had no idea how to swim! So I signed-up for the Guelph lake 2 try-a-tri and THEN enlisted the help of a friend to help me learn. I was relatively fit, how hard could this be? Wow was I wrong! After doing a 2 more Triathlons and one Duathlon I am hooked and have decided to take my training to the next level and get serious. This is my journey!